Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tribute to Nasvhille...

Wow... It feels so good to be back in Nashville. After traveling the world and seeing some of God's greatest creations, I can certainly say that Nashville is my favorite of them all. I mean really, here are a few:

  • Colliseum Rome, Italy
  • Isle of Capri Napoli, Italy
  • Venice, Italy
  • Istanbul and Antalya, Turkey
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Amsterdam
  • Eiffel Tower, Louvre & Arc Du Triomphe Paris, France
  • The Netherlands
  • Statue of Jesus - Rio De Janeiro, Brasil
  • Great Wall and Tiananmen Square - Beijing, China

I've also spent a considerable amount of time traveling within the United States of America. Walking amongst many of the country's greatest people is a true blessing in itself. Meeting people and experiencing different cultures has been my 2nd job.

 Growing up in the greater New Orleans area, I was afforded the best food on the side of heaven along with amazing culture and music. I was given the opportunity to see other places, experience different cultures, and try different foods as I got older. Some of those places were:

  • New York
  • Chicago
  • Las Vegas
  • Los Angeles
  • Atlanta
  • Miami
  • Indianapolis
  • Houston
  • Dallas
  • San Antonio
  • San Francisco
  • Jacksonville
  • Charlotte
  • Washington D.C.
  • Boston

All of these experiences were great in their own way, and I've taken a little something away from every place. However, there's just something special about Nashville. I'm reminded of my college visit to Vanderbilt University back in '03 and not knowing anything about Nashville or country music, I decided to see what it was all about. Now 10 years later, I'm proud to call this great city HOME. My second home of course, but home nonetheless. The hospitality, warmth, and community feel is second to none. I believe that Nashville's best kept secret is its heart. The heart of Nashville is extremely big and welcomes all who walk within. For those of us whose careers take us much further away from the state lines, there are open arms waiting when we return. Thank you Nashville. I guess Music City isn't so bad of a second home!!!

So as I begin this journey towards whatever God has in store for my life, I invite all of you to walk with me. I'm in the process of writing a book, starting a motivational speaking career, launching an outreach mentoring program, and training the youth of Nashville in the greatest sport there is...Basketball!!! 

I welcome you into my heart as I dive into these areas. My passion is helping the youth prepare for their future. The Word says "Where there is no vision the people perish." I strongly believe this. We perish as a people because we fail to reach for something great. Greatness is within all of us, but many times our current environment creates a glass ceiling for us. I believe that if we can expose our youth to the many possibilities that lie beyond his or her surroundings, the more they see, the more they can become.

If it had not been for people opening my eyes to new possibilities I would still be in New Orleans today. Limited to only what I witnessed my neighbors or friends doing. I'm no better than those who I grew up with, however, my goals changed when I was exposed to more. Some are exposed to more and feel as though that level of success is unattainable due to current circumstances. My response is simple, If God could raise Jesus from the dead, then changing my current circumstance is definitely within His power.

If you think about those bible stories God did things that we could not handle Him doing now. Can you imagine walking on the beach, and all of the sudden, the ocean rises up and a dry path is shown through to the other side? WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could not handle that. But God did it. And we just have to be crazy enough to believe that if God did that for them, I just need about 2% of that and it will change my life forever. All things are possible to him that believes. The fact of the matter is we have to believe first. It is time to teach our young people that they should not be sitting back waiting on the blessing, rather the blessing is waiting on us. 

I'm going to stop here because I could literally write all night. I will be blogging frequently so please stop by. I pray that you are blessed by what flows through me. Again, thank you Nashville for having such an amazing heart. I am so excited about what God is getting ready to do and I'm yielding to His plan as I step out on faith in the above mentioned areas to encourage this generation. I pray for you and you pray for me, and we'll make this thing work somehow. May God bless and keep you, until next time...

Pray Until Something Happens!!!

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