Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Congratulations are in order as students are graduating and excelling on to college, high school, and higher grades. I had an opportunity to share in the celebration of Nick Williams as he graduated and prepares to attend High Point University in North Carolina. As I shared with him my college experiences, I was reminded of my early years at Vanderbilt. Preparing for a different level of studying, focus, and time management. My advice was simple: work hard early and enjoy every minute.  Those 4 years fly by so fast. If not careful, it is easy to get so caught up in one aspect that you don't fully enjoy others. Getting off to a really good start early will afford you the opportunity to enjoy college life in a more relaxed way as you near completion. This advice helped me finish my last semester having only one class. Which made my senior year the most enjoyable year of my life.

The four years I spent at Vanderbilt were some of the best years of my life. Which is interesting considering how hard I had to work both on and off the court. However, the relationships I formed and the lasting friendships that were built made for some amazing experiences. You learn so much from your fellow classmates and the learning aspect never stops. Many life lessons were taught that made me a better man, not to mention, MEMORIAL MAGIC.

A few days before, my sister Ashanti sent me a text informing me about her third straight year of making ALL A's and receiving an outstanding science award and the Principal’s Award, which only two people were awarded. She was also awarded $100 for her achievements. Wow! Ashanti is a prime example of excellence. I am more than proud of her. My other sister, Alexandria, has set the bar as an older sister being a straight A student as well. I really could not be prouder of them. All of my siblings are doing wonderful things and God has blessed each of them tremendously. I really wanted to take this
opportunity to shout them out for their outstanding efforts. It is an incredible blessing to have a family that values education. The sky is truly the limit for them when they take care of business as such. They are setting a standard of excellence for themselves and for generations to come. When the time comes
for them to select a college to attend, they will reap the harvest of all their hard work. One of the biggest blessings one could ever have is OPTIONS. Not being limited by what is available, but having the ability to choose what’s most comfortable and best is a great feeling.

1 Corinthians 9:24 "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain." God wants you to win more than anyone. Not only does He encourage you to do things in a way to obtain success, but then He also rewards those who do things the right way. Always position yourself to receive whatever God has in store for you. Whatever your dream is, whatever you want to become, find out the requirements and begin to position yourself for it. Do what you can do and watch God take over that which you cannot!

God said it, I believe it, that settles it!!!

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